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Wearables could help beat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Wearables have exploded in the last few years with better connectivity, but many of the potential uses have fallen by the wayside as wearables lull into the mainstream uses of fitness only. Wearables can help with more than just fitness though and due to the forced expansion of the use of wearables because of the COVID-19 pandemic, using wearables for more intensive health issues has been thrust back into the limelight. Specifically, chronic fatigue, a debilitating disease that is often hard to diagnose but many times comes upon a person after a viral infection which affects their immune system long term,  doctors and scientists are finding there are treatments available for this condition and wearables can help someone recover over time. Tracking one's resting heart rate, which can be abnormally high in an individual with chronic fatigue syndrome (around 80 beats per minute) can assist in helping the wearer assess where their activity threshold lies.

By collecting their heart rate data they can look back over time and see where they may have had a collapse or a burn-out and be able to tweak their recovery to better suit their needs. The wearer can also monitor their heart rate if moving about or exercising in short bursts to raise their movement tolerance and assess if their heart rate is moving outside of the 120 beats per minute range. This allows them to turn down their exertion before hitting the wall and crashing and slowly, over time, increasing their exertion tolerance.

With COVID-19, a viral infection with many contradictions and effects that are not understood, there is a very good chance that there could be a spike in chronic fatigue syndrome brought on by this novel virus. Wearables also have the potential for assisting with personalized medicine and data gathering for personalized treatment. Since COVID-19 is the cause of so many different and disastrous effects on the body, it is in the patient's best interest to have a long stream of relevant data gathered by your wearables to help doctors assess what could be a complicated diagnosis and treatment.

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