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Interactive Storytelling

Updated: Jul 6

As we move into the future with VR and AR and social media, the future of interactive storytelling has many exciting possibilities. HubSpot speaks about how to capture people's ever shortening attention span and that the best way to keep them engaged is to give them an active roll in the creation of the story with interactive elements. From interactive quizzes, adding search options, videos and rollover information creates an ability to direct the message and not have the content streaming in a purely consumptive manner.

But engaging in interactive content and interactive storytelling are two whole different ball games. Storytelling being an art in and of itself aside from the technology that is being used to convey the information.

Going further than pleasantly displaying the information and allowing the user to walk through on a self directed journey such as  does in a beautiful way, interactive storytelling allows the watcher to also be the creator.

Interactive Storytelling vs Gaming

Netflix having launched their interactive storytelling feature starting with 'Puss In Boots' show brings

decidedly 'choose your own adventure' to their viewing platform. With the question of where the difference between gaming and interactive storytelling differentiate.

Chis Wyatt one of the writers of Netflix's new interactive show 'Breakout' explains:

 “What [Netflix] was saying to us when we were working on developing this, they feel like when you’re watching the show, you’re sitting on the back of your seat. You’re all the way relaxed sitting on the back of your seat. When you’re playing a video game, and you’re actively engaged with a shooter, you’re on the very edge of your seat sort of constantly. What they wanted to do with this was be in the middle. You’re not relaxed, you’re not leaning forward on the edge of your seat. You’re sort of halfway between those experiences.” 

Advertising Age says, "What defines a story and what defines a game, and how much they overlap, are higher-order questions than advertising needs to answer. Lee Clow famously suggested that “The Apple Store is probably the best ad [Apple] ever did.” Are the Apple Stores examples of environmental storytelling? Maybe. They’re clearly an exercise in worldbuilding. But as with video games, their principal mechanism seems not to be narrative, but play: the thrill of being let loose in an unknown system and testing its rules. The immediacy of unscripted interaction."


In order to give the the full experience of the limitless choices available in a true interactive storytelling landscape the AI has to improve to the level of the voice of Samantha in the movie 'Her' to really make the experience all encompassing.

This talk will describe current research at UC Santa Cruz that enables new genres of interactive storytelling experiences.

Artificial Intelligence methods open up new possibilities in interactive storytelling, enabling the creation of believable characters with rich personalities and emotions, interactive story systems that incorporate player interaction into the construction of dynamic plots, and story generation systems that produce compelling stories. The goal of these technologies is not to replace human authorship, but rather to move human authorship to a meta-level, and thus to support a richness and depth of player interaction that is not otherwise possible.

Interactive Storytelling in Advertising 

How does interactive storytelling live in the advertising world?

As you can see, interactive storytelling doesn't have to be intensely technologically dependent in order to tell a story that gets the point across in the format that is appropriate for the target and the brand.

Robby Richards at Snapp App says: “Interactive storytelling” is simply storytelling enhanced by digital tools.

Though the billboard above is able to show that interactive storytelling is alive and well in the analog world as well and we shouldn't get bogged down in our definitions of the how.

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